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What Leadership Gurus Get Wrong About Elon Musk’s Behavior

What Leadership Gurus Get Wrong About Elon Musk’s Behavior

When you combine things you're not supposed to combine, you become interesting and easily stand out from the pool of sameness. What makes Bruce Lee interesting is his rare combination of philosophy, martial arts, and striking thoughts. There wouldn't be much thrill to...

Ignore Your Audience. No, Seriously, Ignore Your Readers

Ignore Your Audience. No, Seriously, Ignore Your Readers

This may go against the ‘Know Your Audience’ convention. But when in doubt, make yourself your own target audience.  Start sharing something you will come back to read and say ‘I wanted to hear this. Would you give yourself bad freelance advice? No.  Are you...

Why You Should Wage War On Jargon

Why You Should Wage War On Jargon

Fitness expert Doug Brignole wrote in his book, The Physics of Resistance Exercise; “Complete forward flexion of the spine and deliberate contraction of the rectus abdominis, is much more likely to produce muscular development of the abs.” While he could have said....

Writing on Medium? Do NOT Fall Into the Quantity Trap

Writing on Medium? Do NOT Fall Into the Quantity Trap

The best way to dilute your perceived brand authority as a writer is commoditizing your work. AI is tempting everyone writing on Medium to enter the quantity trap. You see some author publishing every day and feel like you’re being left out. You start thinking maybe...

How To Publish Like You Don’t Care

How To Publish Like You Don’t Care

I learned very early in my writing journey that the only thoughts I have control over what people think of them are those I haven't shared yet. In this edition of Social Rhetoric, we are going to crush your fears. That concern of what people will think of your post....

There Is No Audience, You Only Talk to One Person

There Is No Audience, You Only Talk to One Person

If you have an unclear definition of who you are talking to, your message is likely to appeal to no one. If you are a business, you end up talking about your company and product features. Think of these messages you often see on websites and social media posts: “We...

Do This ONE Thing Comedians Do to Master Delivery

Do This ONE Thing Comedians Do to Master Delivery

The best moment in my marketing career was an embarrassment. In 2021, I had a client I was helping with LinkedIn. She was a foreigner, an expat.  Our first meeting was at Serena Hotel where we discussed the project, expectations, and deliverables. On our second...

Do Not Share Valuable Content, It’s No Longer About That

Do Not Share Valuable Content, It’s No Longer About That

Valuable content has already been shared. Just Google or ask an AI and you will get it all. "But I have picked a niche" you may argue. Yes, but so do 1000 others. Do you think they are not sharing valuable content like you do? Also, people know a lot more than you...